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Leader and the Enemy-2

Weapons against the Lord's servants


3. Anger . Exo.32: 19; Num.20:11: -because of perfectionism or inferiority complex (hurting their ego).

Result : - Anger takes away our common sense, reasoning capacity. Wrong words or actions. Some might try to keep quite but they will burst out in an unexpected time.

Example : - Moses (Perfectionism); People caused his anger but lose to whom? (Psa.106:32, 33) Saul. Samuel. 18:8 (Inferiority complex), Jonah 4:9 (hurt ego / self-will)

Accept reality. Each one is different, individually we are nothing and God overrules. It is our need to bear with others. So, stay cool.

4. Lust. Evil desire. 1John 2:16 . Desire is not bad but evil if it's against God's will. Another subtle weapon enemy can use without difficulty as no body can easily find it out. It is strong in three areas:-

a. For position –Power-Mt.23: 6, 7. Too strong desire— As Pharisees who desired chief seat. Looking for an opportunity to accomplish their purpose!

Result: - forget principles, statutes, willing to do any thing to grab or hold on to a position!

Example: - King Saul 1 Samuel.13:12, 13; Position of priesthood. 18:7, 8 –desired the appreciation of people.

Peter calls himself as servant-co-elder-1Pet. 5:1; 2Pet.1:1; John too-brother! Rev. 1:9. Accept the God-given position / responsibility.

b. For prosperity - money and things. 1Pet.5:2; 1Jn.2:16; 1Tim.3:8 ; (2Tim.3:2); Slowly-money and materials come in our hands-an attachment feels-temptation too. 1 Pet. 5:2

Result: - Speak or do any false teaching for monetary gain. Hard to speak against certain people, forced to support and serve the wealthy. Even desert the Lord or His people.

Example: - 2Kin.5: 22, 23. Gehazi; Judas. Demas. 2 Tim. 4:10 cf. Colo. 4:14.

Be careful in handling finance: Assembly or personal. Public funds must never be handled by one individual. It is better for a full time worker to avoid handling the accounts of the assembly.

Can any body use assembly money, or some other common fund for personal use? Some are very generous in spending public money, if it is personal demand a discount!

Trust the Lord alone for all our needs. All what possess belongs to the Lord. His provision alone is good for us.

c. For women / opposite sex . 1Tim.5: 1, 2 Most serious and tragic yet many neglect / avoid this topic. May be thinking that ‘it will not happen to me!'

It has been reported, in the US one out of ten leave the ministry as a result of such moral failure.

Why? -May be due to more freedom; close dealings with individuals, over-familiarity and intimacy. - Negligence too. Root cause: Being away from close fellowship with the Lord, lost spiritual pulse and perspective. Ob. “With all purity” 1Tim.5: 1, 2 - need spiritual eyes to gauge purity.

Result: - Life and ministry is ruined- of self and other affected individuals. Lord's name defiled. Saints are ashamed. Heart-breaking as well as Church-breaking episodes unfold.

Example: - Samson . Judges. 14:2, 7, 8; 16:1, 4. Desire for honey & women. Samson did not care about his Nazirite status. He was defiled by the carcass of a lion. Num.6:6. Sins accumulated, reaped what he sowed.

David- man after God' own heart.1Samuel 13:14; 2 Samuel 11:2; 12:13 . – An unexpected sight! How powerful is our look - eye contact! Clinton – Monica incident – one look – what mess created. How much to be careful. ‘ Keep safe distance' –a warning found written behind some vehicles is applicable here!

Never go alone—never take such in! – According to reports, Billy Graham never traveled in car alone with women. Enemy can trap us if we are careless, even with false allegation! So the best -avoid any such circumstances. Not enough - Colo. 3:5 –Mortify – from where lust comes out?

5. Professionalism.

Prepared by Nelson Thomas as part of his teaching ministry.
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