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India’s Obsession with Fair Skin

A report published by Hindustan Times recently exposes the danger behind the so called fairness creams. According to the report in 2002-03 the fairness cream market was worth Rs. 500 crore. In 2008 – 09 it became Rs. 1364 crore and this year they expect Rs. 1500 crore business.

        The report suggests that the entire fairness cream industry survives as a “superstition”. Many Indians are obsessed with fair skin. Dr. Deepali Batra, a psychologist says ‘six out ten of her patients are young women who feel that may skin colour is an issue’.

        A senior dermatologist at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences warns, ‘many fairness creams use undisclosed chemicals that lead to bleaching of the skin, daily use of it can cause “blotchy pigmentation”. He says, “It’s a marketing gimmick, skin color is a result of the body’s constitution that simply can not be changed by applying external agents such as fairness cream”.

The Bible says, “Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard its spots?” Jeremiah 13:23.

        How sad not only the common people, even Christians fall prey to the advertisements of these ‘fairness creams’ and spent so much time and money. True beauty that God is interested in is in not external, but internal. 1 Peter 3: 2—5. Godly people know it well!


HT 12/ 3 / 2010

Prepared by NTK  for this website. You can reproduce this writing in any medium,
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